God's children have caused enough harm and self-sabotage, dehumanizing each other to the point where it breaks God's heart. Angels and demons alike grieve for their fallen God, coming together in a rare moment of unity. In the absence of God's power, other dimensions collided with Earth, unleashing beasts that destroyed civilization and all living beings. Otherworldly anomalies became more frequent and deadly, leading to widespread death and destruction.Eventually, humans, angels, and demons agreed to set aside their differences and work together to rebuild society.Millennia later, Heaven Corporations established Demon Frame Headquarters, an agency dedicated to combating dangerous anomalies and exploring the hidden secrets of their world. While protecting humanity from harm is crucial, relying too much on denying the reality of their predicament risks humanity's devolution for the sake of escapism.

Demon Frame is a hobby passion project that is still in the works. Contact [email protected] for business related stuff.
NOTE: If you are a studio or company wanting to help pick this up, please talk with the author to talk this out.
Genre: Alternative, Psychological Horror, Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk/Dystopian. Contains sensitive deep topics. (18+)